Registered in Scotland, SC016405. Patron: His Grace Richard Scott, KT, KBE, CVO, DL, 10th Duke of Buccleuch and 12th Duke of Queensberry.
Hawick Archaeological Society
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Hawick Archaeological Society
Formed in 1856 and run as a charitable enterprise, the Hawick Archaeological Society is one of Scotland’s oldest and most distinguished historical societies. We have done much to keep alive and foster an interest in the antiquities of the Borders, and to preserve and hand down everything that is of great value regarding the customs of the people, as well as the history of many of the more notable characters and inhabitants of the town and district. The Hawick Archaeological Society would like to acknowledge the financial help provided by the Heritage Lottery Fund to bring you this website and digitised Transactions.
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Latest News
Remembering Scotland’s ‘anti slavery agent’
A plaque marking a historic speech given by abolitionist and enslaved person Frederick Douglass in the Green Kirk, at Myreslawgreen, Hawick, on November 2nd, 1846, was unveiled on Valentine's Day, 2023, by Jack Hilmeyer, the US Consulate General in Edinburgh. Learn...