
Registered in Scotland, SC016405. Patron: His Grace Richard Scott, KT, KBE, CVO, DL, 10th Duke of Buccleuch and 12th Duke of Queensberry.

Hawick Archaeological Society

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Latest News

Remembering Scotland’s ‘anti slavery agent’

A plaque marking a historic speech given by abolitionist and enslaved person Frederick Douglass in the Green Kirk, at Myreslawgreen, Hawick, on November 2nd, 1846, was unveiled on Valentine's Day, 2023, by Jack Hilmeyer, the US Consulate General in Edinburgh. Learn...

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Hawick Reivers Festival 2024

Yesterday we hosted two highly-informative talks at the Heritage Hub, as part of the 2024 Hawick Reivers Festival. Paul Brough, lead archivist with over 40 years' experience, spoke on the processes and importance of digital archives - as well as offering sneak...

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Welcome to our new website!

Hello and welcome to our brand new website which we hope you will enjoy. As well as having an up-to-date events page, book shop, gallery, and blog, members will now have unlimited digital access to all of our past Transactions dating back to 1856.

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Traquair House

On August 6, 2023, for our annual summer excursion, members and friends of the 'Airchie Oliver' visited Scotland’s oldest inhabited house, being treated to a guided tour of an incredible array of historic rooms, artefacts and anecdotes along the way; (see gallery for...

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Frederick Douglass plaque unveiling

On February 14, 2023, Hawick Archaeological Society, in partnership with Hawick Community Council, hosted a well-attended ceremony at Myreslawgreen where a bronze plaque was unveiled in commemoration of Frederick Douglass, who, in November 1846, delivered a momentous...

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